الجمعة، 23 سبتمبر 2011

I asked myself this question while looking to one who is drinking wine ,, I went to speak with him asking for something where I was close enough to smell his unpleasant mouth smell!!! ,, then I asked my self if the wine was good in smell and in taste I'll then drink it or I will follow my religious instructions ???

The answer was obivious in my head as I can do without any food or any drink ,, so if the wine was good in smell or in taste and my Allah ordered us not to drink ,, I will not think even to break this orders.

But , a lot of other questions pop up in my brain ,, if wine will be replaced by woman- for example - or money or & or ......

So ,, Did we follow our religion  without any thinking ?? we follow coz we believe deeply in it or we just follow or try to follow ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is a question of all of us , and I really don't know how to answer this question

-was written in the date17-1-2010-Thanks

المقال مختصر بالعربية:

تساءلت و انا انظر الى شخص يشرب الخمر عندما اقتربت منه و شممت رائحة الخمر الغير مريحه و قلت لو كان طعم و رائحة الخمر محببه أكنت خالفت ديني و شربت هذا الخمر؟
كانت اجابتي بالطبع لا حتى لو كان الخمر جميل الطعم و الرائحه و لكن عندما اجبت هذه الإجابة تذكرت ان الطعام بالنسبة لي ليس مهما و لكن إذا تم استبدال الخمر بالنساء او غيرها من الشهوات  مثلا اي لو اتيحت لي النساء اكنت اقبل ان امارس معهم الرذيله و اخالف ديني؟
انا اجد الإجابة على هذا السؤال صعبة للغاية

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